Keto bagels
Keto bagels, You only need a bowl, a fork and a baking tray. These cookies are perfect to accompany a coffee and have a very mild flavor You can see also this keto recipe and keto diet .
50 gr butter
1 und Egg
23 gr Incauca zero (erythritol powder mix with stevia)
60 gr Almond flour (homemade or purchased)
15 gr coconut flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp sea salt
Optional: Bitter chocolate (if you want to add some chocolate)
Step 1 – Precalentar el horno a 160ºC y alistar una bandeja con tapete siliconado, papel aluminio engrasado con mantequilla, o papel encerado.
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Mezclar todos los ingredientes con un tenedor en un bowl, excepto el chocolate.
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Step 2 – With a measuring spoon, deposit the mixture on the tray and shape it into a cookie, if you want to make some chocolate, you can add pieces of chocolate to the cookie on top.
Step 4 – Bake at 160ºC until golden underneath, approximately 15 minutes.
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Step 4 – Remove from the oven when they are golden underneath.
Step 4 – Take to a container to wait for them to cool down and get toasted.
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