Keto breakfast vegan
Keto breakfast vegan, Being vegan or vegetarian does not necessarily mean eating “badly”, if you know someone who is changing their diet to these regimes or simply wants to give a different spin to their breakfast, we recommend these 10 recipes nutritious vegetarian breakfast .
1. Disfruta de una papa rellena de queso y espinacas
Si te encantan las papas, estas que son rellenas te van a conquistar por su delicioso y cremosito relleno con espinacas. Si eres vegano puedes reemplazar el queso por tu aderezo favorito.
2. Reinventa la lasaña vegetariana y ponle calabazas
Si estás bajo alguna dieta libre de carbohidratos y lácteos, esta alternativa de lasaña vegetariana… ¡te va a encantar!
Keto breakfast on the go
3. Salty zucchini and cheese pancakes
Pancakes do not always have to be accompanied by strawberry jam, try them in their salty version with zucchini and cheddar cheese. You will love them at breakfast.
4. Green salad sandwich
The best way to start the day is with this green salad sandwich, perfect for injecting the energy you need!
5. Milanesas with rice and mushrooms
Keto diet
If you can no longer eat meat for medical reasons or you are vegan, these delicious Milanese are the best solution to your craving.
6. Delicious chickpea and cheese Gorditas with guajillo sauce!
You won’t miss the gorditas on the corner with this healthy and vegetarian recipe.