Food quotes svg
The best quotes about food
Food quotes svg, There are phrases for food of all kinds and for all tastes, as well as dishes : there are sweet, salty, sweet and sour, with vegetables, meat and even with flowers or insects. Share food phrases
Healthy food phrases
Although junk food is very tempting, there is no doubt that healthy food is the best option. Use these phrases of healthy eating to inspire you and change your lifestyle . Choose among these healthy food phrases your favorites to share on networks or send to friends by Whatsapp.
Food quotes svg
“Hay que comer para vivir, y no vivir para comer”. (Moliere)
Food quotes spaghetti
“Our lives are not in the hands of the gods, but in the hands of our cooks.” (Lin Yütang)
“Eating healthy food is the simplest way to get rid of excess weight and become healthy and slim forever.” (Subodh Gupta)
“You are what you eat. What would you like to be?” (Julie Murphy)
“Cooking is an essential part of a balanced diet.” Fran Lebowitz)
Food quotes in indi
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat human beings with drugs; he will cure and prevent diseases with nutrition.” (ThomasEdison)
“The food you eat can be the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” (Anne Wigmore)
“Water is one of the most neglected nutrients in your diet, but it is one of the most vital.” (Julia Child) Food quotes for restaurant
Food quotes for business
“Let food be your food, and food your medicine.” (Hippocrates)
“Eighty percent of the food on supermarket shelves today didn’t exist a hundred years ago.” (Larry McClery)
Quotes from “Eat, Pray, Love” Food quotes love
This movie is a classic, the favorite of many people around the world. Its popularity has made many phrases remain in the hearts and minds of those who saw it. Pick your favorites from these “Eat, Pray, Love” quotes .
“Sometimes our hearts break to let in new light.”
“I’m waiting for him to forgive me, for him to release me.”
“We all want things to stay the same. We settle for living in misery because we are afraid of change, of things being reduced to nothing less than ruins.” Food quotes for friends
Food quotes love
“I don’t want you to save me. I want you to be by my side while I save myself.”
“I had been actively involved in creating this life. Why didn’t I see myself in it?”
“Until you’re comfortable being alone, you won’t realize if you’re choosing to be with someone out of love or loneliness.”
Food quotes lord of the rings
“The ruins are a gift, they are a path to transformation.”
“It’s disconcerting that a stranger sees how you are more clearly than you do.”
“You have to be kind to yourself when you learn something new.”
“Smile with your face, with your mind and even with your liver”.
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