Keto breakfast sausage
Keto breakfast sausage, You have probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and of course it is: according to a report from the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), it is necessary to eat breakfast because after 10 or 12 hours of fasting we need energy and nutrients to carry out our daily activities with energy.
Some of its main benefits are maintaining good health and well-being, improving physical and mental performance, improving concentration, increasing work performance, and helping to maintain a healthy weight.
In addition to having a good breakfast, it is important to do physical activity on a recurring basis, at least half an hour at least 4-5 times a week .
If you don’t know how to start eating a healthy, quick and inexpensive breakfast, here are some ideas for healthy breakfast foods that you can include in your mornings:
1. Enjoy a delicious oatmeal porridge
If you are looking to have healthy breakfasts without bread, you can include foods high in fiber, such as oatmeal, cereals and some fruits. Which option to choose? An excellent alternative is oatmeal porridge , which is rich in slow-assimilating carbohydrates and fiber, which helps you have extra energy for the day. Be sure to add red fruits, such as raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. It will be an antioxidant bomb!
2. Fruit salad with yogurt? Why not!
A fruit salad is always a great alternative to have a healthy, quick and inexpensive breakfast. He prefers red fruits, which have antioxidants, or fruits that contain vitamin C, such as orange, grapefruit or kiwi. But do not stay only with the fruit, adding a low-fat and high-protein yogurt gives you the amount of nutrients you need to start your morning.
3. Whole wheat bread is delicious with cream cheese, avocado and cherry tomatoes
For some, thinking of healthy breakfasts without bread is almost impossible. But it is not about eliminating it completely from your diet, but knowing how to choose strategically. Ditch the famous white bread with butter and prefer healthy breakfast foods like whole wheat bread or high-fiber rye bread.
What can you accompany it with? Easy: on the slice of bread, spread 0% cream cheese (or quesillo / queso fresco), already prepared avocado and place slices of cherry tomato. To enhance its flavor add ground black pepper and salt to your liking (although at low levels and only if it is your option)
Cetogenic diet
4. Healthy breakfast smoothies with oatmeal or chia
If you have little time, you can have healthy smoothies for a rich and quick breakfast. It is not recommended for everyone as people with diabetes may experience a rapid rise in blood sugar .
Si no es tu caso, puedes hacer batidos saludables para desayunar combinando avena o chía para que sea más contundente y así no pases hambre hasta el almuerzo. Evita endulzar con azúcar refinada debido al exceso de calorías, en su reemplazo prefiere el azúcar morena o la miel.
5. Scrambled eggs with turkey ham
The eggs are always a good option to include breakfast (but never too much) because they contain many vitamins and minerals. You can prepare them in different ways: boiled, scrambled, a glass or even an omelette with vegetables.
A good alternative is to cook them scrambled and add slices of turkey ham, fat-free cream cheese and pepper to your liking.
What are you waiting for to start your mornings eating delicious and healthy? In a short time, you will be able to show positive and healthy changes in your body.